In less than three weeks, Singapore will be having the mega aviation event of the year, the Singapore Airshow. Happening once every two years, aviation enthusiats like myself will be rushing down to Changi Exhibition Centre.
My love for such events started way back in 2008, when my friend asked me to join them for the inaugural airshow. For someone like me who hated the sun, naturally refused but was convinced to go. I finally realised the attraction. Coming up close with the amazing Real Planes! They were so huge and there were so many of them. Truly enjoyed the aerobatic displays of the black knights! I am so proud of our homegrown talents.
Excitedly looking forward to the 'inverted wrap', 'inverted helix' & 'twist and shout" never before done by a F16-fighter.
Come on and join in for a fun-filled day on 15th and 16th Feb. Tickets are available at Sistic. Adults:$22, Child (3-12):$9, per day per entry.
All tickets are inclusive of complimentary shuttle buses from Singapore Expo.
Loving the cute Captain Leo. Looking forward to his appearance in the show. Yeah.
I am so inspired again to be female pilot like Amelie Earhart who was the first to flew over the Alantic Ocean at age 31. day.....
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